What is a green building?
A green building is a building which is energy efficient, resource efficient and environmentally responsible – it incorporates design, construction and operational practices that significantly reduce or eliminate its negative impact on the environment and its occupants.
The construction industry and climate change.
Buildings are one of the main contributors to climate change. International reports state that buildings represent the single largest opportunity for greenhouse gas abatement, outstripping the energy, transport and industry sectors combined.
The UNEP reports that globally, the built environment is responsible for:
- 12% fresh water consumption.
- 40% end-use energy consumption
- 40 % solid waste generation

What do we need to change?
The overall concept of green buildings is a response to the environmental impact of the construction industry and buildings in general.
Buildings consume the most energy during occupancy, in form of heating and air conditioning, electricity and water consumption.
Green buildings include strategies for addressing:
- Water conservation
- Waste avoidance, re-use and recycling
- Pollution prevention – noise, water, air, soil and light
- Energy Efficiency
- Greenhouse gas emission abatement
- Enhanced biodiversity
- Reduced natural resource consumption
- Productive and healthier environments.
A new way to think of water
With the effects of climate change becoming ever more evident, water is becoming an even more valuable resource. To keep up with targets on carbon emissions and environmental conservation the construction industry will have to change the way they think of water.
Water is not a limitless resource. The world’s surface might be covered by over 70% water but only 2% of that is fresh potable water. And even worse is that of that 2%, 1.6% is frozen in glaciers and icecaps.
Major changes have been made to existing infrastructure to make them more water and energy efficient, as well as introducing new technologies to achieve the same. But a lot more needs to be done to meet the growing demand for fresh water.
We will be going through actionable ways to get your building green and save on your water usage.